We offer individuals the following insurance:
. Health Insurance
. Dental
. Vision
. Disability
. Life
. Short-Term Medical
. Long Term Care Insurance
Individual Marketplace and Family Health Insurance Plans
Congratulations! You can now purchase health insurance for you and your family without the worry of your application being denied or rated for any pre-existing conditions. We are here to help you through this process to choose the coverage that works best for your budget.
What You Need to Know Before We Start:
. The primary goal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is to help millions of Americans obtain health insurance coverage.
. The ACA creates Marketplaces where individuals who do not have access to affordable coverage may use premium tax credits and/or cost sharing reductions to purchase coverage.
- To determine eligibility for premium tax credits and/or cost sharing reductions, you will need to provide your social security number and household income information.
. The Marketplace is now closed, but you may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period. Please call our office to see if you are eligible to purchase health coverage outside of open enrollment.
. Health insurance issuers must:
- Not limit or exclude coverage related to pre-existing health conditions, regardless of the age of the covered individual.
- Offer all individual market policies to any individual int he state (this is called "guaranteed issue").
- Offer health insurance plans that provide at least a minimum set of services called Essential Health Benefits (EHB).
Please call our office at 330.668.2300 or click here to submit a request form for more information or to obtain a quote.
Subsidy Estimator
Use the Subsidy Estimator to calculate your estimated subsidy. Actual subsidy or tax credit cannot be determined until you apply through the individual marketplace. After estimating your subsidy using the tool below, we encourage you to contact our office for additional information or help with your subsidy and health insurance plan.
About This Tool
This tool was developed by the Kaiser Family Foundation to illustrate health insurance premiums and subsidies for people purchasing insurance on their own in new health insurance exchanges (or "Marketplaces") created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). You can enter different incomes, ages, and family sizes to get an estimate of your eligibility for subsidies and how much you could spend on health insurance.
To use this tool, click here.
Get A Quote Now!
You can also get a quote now with Medical Mutual of Ohio. Click here to get started or call our office at 330-668-2300 to get quotes with multiple carriers.
Life Insurance
Every successful financial plan should include adequate life insurance coverage. Life insurance protects your dependents from financial loss in the event of your untimely death. Life Insurance provides an umbrella of protection for your financial plans. It not only protects what you already have (like providing funds to pay off the mortgage on your home) but also helps ensure the attainment of unfulfilled financial goals (such as the future education of your children).
How Much Do I Need?
For most people, one of the biggest unknowns about life insurance is how to answer the question of “how much”? To determine an amount for your individual situation, consider the following:
· What will your family’s immediate needs be in the event of your untimely death?
· What financial goals and ongoing needs will you need to provide for?
Immediate needs can include the final expenses associated with a terminal illness, burial costs, estate taxes, and the balance of an unpaid mortgage.
Ongoing needs might include monthly bills and expenses, mortgage payments, daycare costs, education, income replacement and retirement.
After determining your current and future financial obligations, subtract this amount from your total available resources. This may sound simple enough, however if you need assistance, please feel free to call or email Tim or Sandy for a free consultation.
Now that you have determined how much you need, next you need to select the type of policy you would like to purchase.
Choosing The Type of Life Insurance
Life insurance comes in two basic forms:
· Term life insurance and
· Permanent life insurance (also known as whole life, universal life, or cash value)
Knowing which one is appropriate for you means understanding what need you are trying to satisfy. Term policies provide life insurance for a specified period of time. Term policies provide benefits in the event of death, but they generate no “cash value”. If you have a limited amount to spend, and only need the benefit for a finite period of time (for instance, until the mortgage is paid off, or until your children graduate from college), you may be able to get more coverage by acquiring term insurance than with permanent insurance.
Permanent insurance combines death benefits with a cash accumulation feature. The buyer of a cash value policy pays more in the early years than for term insurance, but the money not needed to pay for the cost of death benefit accumulates with interest. If the policy is surrendered before the insured dies, there may be a cash value paid to the owner. In addition, you can take loans from your policy’s cash value. As a general rule, it is not a good idea to buy permanent life insurance if you plan to surrender early, as there may be a penalty to do so. If all premiums are paid, cash value insurance usually lasts for the entire life of the insured person, and pays death benefits to the beneficiaries named in the policy upon the death of the insured.
This information is no substitute for the guidance and assistance you’ll receive by meeting with our financial professionals. Please give us a call if you would like a free quote or life insurance review.
Long-Term Care Insurance
What is it?
Long-term care insurance represents one way you can live life on your own terms. It refers to care provided to you in your own home, in a nursing care facility or other residential setting. It can range from help with routine daily activities, like bathing, to around-the-clock care by skilled medical personnel. Although older people use most long-term care services, a young or middle-aged person who has been in an accident or suffered a debilitating illness may also require long-term care.
Who needs it?
If you are among the 76 percent of Americans who don’t expect to need long-term care of any sort, you may want to reconsider. Chances are greater than 50 percent that each of us will require extended care at home or in a nursing care facility. Another eye-opening fact is that one in four people who live to age 65 will spend one year or more in a nursing care facility, and one in three will spend three months or more.
Who pays for it?
Too many people think Medicare covers long-term care expenses, such as nursing home and home health services. But Medicare only provides short-term recovery benefits for skilled care in a nursing home and pays only for home health visits for a few weeks, and nothing for 8-hour shifts at home. Private health insurance policies, including HMOs, PPOs, and Medicare supplements, also just provide short-term recovery benefits. Most long-term care is of a non-skilled custodial nature and is not covered, except by the Medicaid welfare program. But to qualify for Medicaid, you must spend most of your assets. Unfortunately, many nursing homes have dropped out of the Medicaid program leaving long waiting lists and limited choices at those remaining. And, legislation severely restricts transferring assets to qualify for Medicaid.
Most of us plan carefully for retirement but completely overlook the need to protect ourselves and our families against the costs associated with an extended illness. It can place enormous emotional and financial burdens on entire families, leaving the person in need of care dependent upon others. If no provisions have been made to pay these high expenses, the results could be devastating. Since premiums can increase with age, the cost of waiting to purchase coverage can be very high. As a result, there is no better time that the present to plan for long-term care. Call us today for a competitive quote today to see how to protect your assets.
Planning for long-term care is not just a good idea, it’s essential so that families may retain independence and choice when care is needed.
Disability Insurance

Did you know people are 240 times more likely to incur a disabling injury than suffer a fatal injury?1
Disabilities do happen and the financial impact can be significant. That's why many people consider risk protection products such as disability insurance to be the foundation of a sound financial plan.
Disability Insurance helps protect your ability to earn an income if you become too sick or hurt to work. How long can you afford not to earn a paycheck? Disability insurance is an inexpensive way to protect your earnings.
Make sure a disability doesn't sidetrack your family. Protect yourself and your loved ones with disability insurance. Kelmar Insurance Agency has the resources to help you assess and understand your risk protection needs. Contact us today to see what we can do for you.
1 National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2012 Edition.